
if being a boy means...

...i can drink out of the carton, then i would be one.

lately i've gotten into drinking milk straight out of the carton. there is something so simple about it—i suppose it's in eliminating the step of pouring it into a glass. (it's also probably because lately i've been eating spicy things, and i've been needing milk, at hand and accessible, one too many times.)
what i am reminded of then is the part in Nicholson Baker's The Mezzanine where the narrator talks about milk cartons, and how he finds their openings just the right shape and size to invite bringing one's nose close to it—this, of course, is an anxious gesture, since usually one does it to see if the milk is still good. (the narrator's partner cannot understand how he can bring himself to do that...but of course, that's the lure of the milk carton opening...)

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