












  1. 仕事は自ら創るべきで、与えられるべきでない。
  2. 仕事とは、先手々と働き掛けていくことで、受け身でやるものではない。
  3. 大きな仕事と取り組め、小さな仕事はおのれを小さくする。
  4. 難しい仕事を狙え、そしてこれを成し遂げるところに進歩がある。
  5. 取り組んだら放すな、殺されても放すな、目的完遂までは……。
  6. 周囲を引きずり回せ、引きずるのと引きずられるのとでは、永い間に天地のひらきができる。
  7. 計画を持て、長期の計画を持っていれば、忍耐と工夫と、そして正しい努力と希望が生まれる。
  8. 自信を持て、自信がないから君の仕事には、迫力も粘りも、そして厚みすらない。
  9. 頭は常に全回転、八方に気を配って、一分の隙もあってはならぬ、サービスとはそのようなものだ。
  10. 摩擦を怖れるな、摩擦は進歩の母、積極の肥料だ、でないと君は卑屈未練になる。



What to Do With Small Animals

I met a very nice raccoon on my way home tonight. She was just chillin' outside of Center Hall. I've taken up an interest in animals recently, and I felt this was an appropriate occasion to begin contemplating how I ought to interact with critters from here on.

Rule #1: Be polite. (Duh.)
Rule #2: Meet them eye-to-eye. (It's not nice to look down on them.)
Rule #3: Ask open-ended questions. (Yes-no questions are for uncreative folk.)
Rule #4: Be clear about expectations. (If you don't have any food, come clean at the beginning.)
Rule #5: Acknowledge that you both have other things to do besides chatting with each other.

I've yet to re-encounter my baby bunny from Peterson Hall, and I am hoping she wasn't eaten by some predator. It sure is a critter-eat-critter world out there...


Epic (German) Potato Salad

I've been making some "epic" things lately, though not because they're good—they've just got a grand list of ingredients. (The curry last week was such an example: snow peas, carrots, radishes, turnips, shishitō, etc., etc.)

Today we have a potluck, so in my effort to use up the stuff in my fridge, I made potato salad—and by request, a Germanic one. (Which was well and good, since I didn't have enough mayo anyway.) And this, to my surprise, just happened to turn out somewhat epic.

Epic Potato Salad

Vinegar (that has been pickling peppers)
Horseradish (grated and in a jar, people)
Dried dill
Green parts of scallions, chopped

1 Cut and peel the potatoes, reminding self to cut off the suspicious black parts. Congratulate self on getting faster at peeling. Leave potato pieces in water for a few minutes, then rinse. Bring potato pieces to boil, adding salt to the water once it starts boiling. Boil until soft. Curse self for making them too soft.
2 Drain the potatoes, cook off the remaining water, and let cool. When they're a little cool, pour some vinegar over the pieces. Wonder if that was a good idea, but let sit to cool completely.
3 Add mayonnaise and be surprised that there isn't more left in the deep jar. Mix. Add some horseradish, then add some more horseradish, thinking that you need to pick up the pace on using this thing. Mix some more. Sprinkle some dried dill and be very pleased. Pause, mix.
4 Chop the green parts of the scallions and let soak in water for a bit. Realize that you should've used a larger bowl for the soaking, but let it go. Add scallions to the potato and mix.
5 Salt to taste, then put the potato salad in the casserole dish to take to the potluck. Feel your heart break when you realize that you forgot to add freshly ground pepper. Make self feel better by telling self that someone at the potluck is probably allergic to freshly ground pepper.
6 Stick in the fridge and wait until the time to walk over to the potluck.

So, now I've used up my mayonnaise, and a couple of nights ago I used up my bottle of olive oil. Now, what to do with them horseradish and pickled peppers...


Just go with the flow. Or not.

As I was walking across the terrace (?) of Geisel the other day, I noticed that all the flowers in a planter (?) on the way to Sequoyah were facing the same direction. I wondered if they were all facing South, toward the sun (?), or if the wind was just blowing them all over.

Either way, it's not such bad practice, going with the flow and doing like everyone else does. Sometimes it's a lot easier and presents the path of least resistance. And for a flower, that can mean the difference between surviving and perishing.

But sometimes it's just nice to know that, if you really, really want to not go with the flow, then that's OK too. I mean, who knows, maybe the flow is just bad. It's bad flow and bad karma, and maybe you'll be unhappy where you end up. 

So yes. Go with the flow, or not. (I think this is the result of my recent ambivalence about life in general, though it is, nonetheless, a positive kind of ambivalence...)




台所をざっと見渡すと、色々な物が目につきます。今日からの何週間かの間、おそらく毎日が Food Network の "Chopped" みたいになるでしょう。これから使い終わってしまわなければならない材料の例を幾つか上げると:

- だし(至る所にある)
- オリーブ油
- 醤油(小麦粉無し)
- パン粉(小麦粉無し)
- マヨネーズ
- ビーフン
- 海苔
- コーンミール





