
日本での発見 / Discoveries in Japan #41: 発表 / Presentation

The bookstore attached to my train station has a weekly updated ranking for books divided by genre, and last week I wondered if any of them were available to borrow from my local library. I wanted to read『トヨタの片づけ』actually, but that was a no-go—checked out and too many people in front of me in the reservation line. The other books were also either checked out or not in the library—except for this one, about the magical ways to get over your fear of talking in front of people.

I don't necessarily have that problem, but since it was the only book available, I thought it couldn't hurt to read it on the train. (Plus I have presentation on Friday! Perfect timing!)

Much of the book discussed ways to get your brain to start processing (and then overcoming) your past traumas that made you dislike talking in front of people, and then to visualize yourself enjoying and succeeding at it instead. And while I may not necessarily lie there chanting "I am awesome, I am awesome" before I go to sleep at night (well, I may, but it won't be because I'm afraid of talking in front of people), there were three tips I took away from the book.

  1. Visualize yourself in a positive manner—things about yourself that you dislike, think of their alternatives that you do like, and then visualize yourself as having those qualities instead. And your shortcomings? Try to spin as them as positives!
  2. Express thanks in having the opportunity to present—and for having an audience to listen to you. Out loud, at the beginning.
  3. Imagine your head and shoulders as being stuck to a hanger—and when you turn your body, turn the whole hanger, not just the hook (i.e., your head). You look more...calm. (And sexy. (And like you have a stiff back.))

Those are probably not things that the writer intended for me to take away, but that's OK, she's not here. And while these tips may not help me with Friday's presentation, I feel more positive just having read the book!


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