
Letters / 手紙

I remember how my friends and I used to pass notes to each other between classes back in middle school. There was always a new way to fold it, the overlying flaps hiding secret compartments for special messages. Most of the time we had nothing to say, really—it was more for the joy of feeling like we had someone to confide in, being able to expect something in return later on in the day.


But these days my inability to respond to incoming correspondence comes to bite me where it hurts most (guilt-wise), since I am blessed with friends who still put pen to paper despite the fact that I so rarely write back. (This is also the case with email, however, since I have lost many friends by letting a response sit in the Drafts folder for literally years.) I don't know how I got so lucky, with some who stay and some who kindly walk away...


Actually...the handwritten word is probably only as powerful as the word that comes in any other form—which means that I can probably still get away with sending those long-awaited responses to my friends and claiming that I took all these months because I wanted to make the words extra special.



  1. You know, I still have most, if not all, of our letters to each other from high school/first few years in college (when we actually had to mail them to each other). It's fascinating now to open them up and read our little musings on that day, what crazy little events that fueled us as we walked the halls at JWN. I don't dare throw them away...

    1. I have a huge stack in my closet in Riverside. :) You had the best stationery!
