
あれから二年。/ Two years.

Being in Japan for the last six months, there haven't been many occasions where I've been reminded of the Tōhoku earthquake. There are the usual commercial efforts to support businesses and farmers from the Northeast region, to boost tourism, to send fighting spirits—but often in a large city like Tokyo, a lot of life just continues the way it always has. For better or for worse, we are quite capable of moving forward and rebuilding.



I could never explain to people why the Tōhoku earthquake affected me so much. I couldn't quite call Japan my home at that point, especially not the Northeast. The relatives I do have in Japan were well away from the areas hardest hit, so that couldn't have been a reason. In reality, the quake should have meant the same to me as any other disaster that occurred in any other part of the world.

But it somehow didn't. And combined with the silliness of qualifying exams and the frustration of people problems, spring of 2011 was one rough patch.



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