
日本での発見 / Discoveries in Japan #25: 桜/ Cherry Blossoms



日本での発見 / Discoveries in Japan #24: 不味いモン/ Bad Food

I distinctly remember talking about bad wine before, but I don't remember talking about bad food, ever. That's because I don't talk bad about food (often).

No, really. I may turn my head or make funny faces. I may even make an occasional comment or two. ("Hmm, this is interesting.") But rarely do I outright complain about food. (Except for that one time I had that really bad coconut tart at that one Chinese place in Yokohama and I was like WTF.)

And lord knows, since I don't get to eat gluten often, I save my gluten card for special occasions. And I thought that (starting) today was a special occasion.

Why? Because my Yahoo! Horoscope told me that my lucky food today was a 惣菜パン。

And just what is a 惣菜パン (sōzai pan), you may ask? Well, I had no idea myself, so I had to look it up online. (Thank you, Google Images!) Apparently it's bread with a sōzai inside of it. (Ha! Genius. Why did I not think of this before?) In contrast to the 菓子パン (kashi pan), it's...savory. And it's nuts.

My boyfriend said he doesn't understand why so many people think Japanese bread is good. I tried to explain that it was because Japanese people put crazy stuff on their bread and then still call it "bread". Cheese, mayonnaise, corn, shrimp, bacon, parsley, noodles, croquettes. Some of those aren't crazy, but most of them are.

(But this is what I love about Japanese food—it just cannibalizes other countries' foods and then forgets that the stuff they gobbled up ever belonged to other people. It's quite akin to the politics here, really. (See Solt 2009 for ramen example. And also any pizza joint selling you tuna corn eggplant pizza. I love it. (Not in the "I love it so I'm gonna eat it" sense but the "I love it because it's hilarious" sense.)))

Anyway, so. Horoscope. Yeah, so earlier I had finally submitted the paper I was supposed to submit way back on Saturday, so all of a sudden I had the mental luxury to go take a walk—which means I walked through Le Repas and then checked out the bakery inside of Ito Yokado and then finally settled on whatever they were selling in the bread section of the Ito Yokado grocery store.

And for 88 yen, how could I not get their croquette roll? That's like...sōzai pan at its best. (And it was...OK.)

But no, what was so awfully bad today was the other bread I bought—the adorable custard and whip dorayaki called「うさぎのほっぺ」。What?! That is too cute and the idea of it was just too good to pass up. And for 95 yen, I could arguably try it by claiming it was a medical experiment.

My religion states that any food eaten while walking tastes better. So I had this said "rabbit cheek" dorayaki while walking back home. But, but...

Wow. I think this is the last time I am ever eating anything from Pasco (the company that made this impossibility of a pastry). It just...tasted like a mistake. Like a block of clay had hopped into a bag marked "edible" and since no one realized it, they packaged it and sent it to the nearest grocery store. It tasted half-baked and had a chalky texture that I, that I...

Well, look, at least I ate both of the dorayakis that were in the bag, even though by the time I'd gotten through half of the second one I honestly felt like I had done something that I just wasn't supposed to do. But at least if I were going to die, I was going to be able to die merely from a very sharp feeling of regret while standing in front of cherry trees. Now that is what I call 本望。









magnolia wine


今日は(何となく)ゆっくりと起きて、春早々人生を味わった気がする。彼氏と一緒にブラブラと町を歩いて、桜を見ながら好きな事を話して、本屋で CD をまとめ買いして······〆はココナッツアイスだった。これこそ幸せ。

信用する友達に言われた:考えすぎるな—"Let it happen". 彼女も同じ事を言った、「奇跡」だって。心配性の私には有難い言葉だ。今が十分だよ。



Weariness in the soul.

When cleaning with dangerous chemicals, avoid sticking your finger in your mouth just because there is something on it.

To avoid disappointment, check that the library is open before you go.

It makes sense for some, apparently, to have a section for women essays. Essays by women? Essays for women...?

It's not always what you eat, but often how you eat, that matters.

Good food with good people is one recipe for a good time.


日本での発見 / Discoveries in Japan #23: 物価 / The Price We Pay

Last night I had salad for dinner. It's OK, I'm not on a diet—I'd just been snacking all day, and by the time I had a break from reading it was well past 9 PM and I didn't feel like making dinner.

But, I had received some (bagged) greens from the co-op, and I hadn't had homemade dressing in a while—so I had some delicious greens topped with apple dressing and freshly grated pepper. Ah, love!

Yesterday was full of unusual occurrences, because I encountered a $70 bra at the store on my way home from lesson. How does one justify a $70 bra? It must do one of three things: 1) Make your boobs huge, 2) Make you super smart, or 3) Prevent breast cancer for the rest of your life. In that case, I'd say $70 is a steal.


あれから二年。/ Two years.

Being in Japan for the last six months, there haven't been many occasions where I've been reminded of the Tōhoku earthquake. There are the usual commercial efforts to support businesses and farmers from the Northeast region, to boost tourism, to send fighting spirits—but often in a large city like Tokyo, a lot of life just continues the way it always has. For better or for worse, we are quite capable of moving forward and rebuilding.



I could never explain to people why the Tōhoku earthquake affected me so much. I couldn't quite call Japan my home at that point, especially not the Northeast. The relatives I do have in Japan were well away from the areas hardest hit, so that couldn't have been a reason. In reality, the quake should have meant the same to me as any other disaster that occurred in any other part of the world.

But it somehow didn't. And combined with the silliness of qualifying exams and the frustration of people problems, spring of 2011 was one rough patch.



日本での発見 / Discoveries in Japan #22: 喫煙 / Smoking

Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean that as in, "I discovered smoking as something for me to do." I mean that as in, "I discovered smoking as something for me to think about, because there are actually people smoking around me."

Sometimes the smell of cigarettes is enticing, gritty and sexy in a gratuitous way. Other times (like when I wake up in the morning and my stomach is empty) it makes me want to throw up. Smoking while eating and drinking seems akin to watching a movie with blindfolds—missing out on half the fun.




March is a good time to think about love, since the air is getting warmer and (as our dear Termanator once said) "There are Romans in the air" (although perhaps I misheard her saying, "There is romance in the air").

「愛」と「恋」と「恋愛」って、どう違うんだろ?とふと思って辞書で引いたけど、よく分からん。「愛」は誰かを慕う情、「恋」も側にいない人への思い、「恋愛」は······ "love" の訳語?何しろ、何となく切ない様な気がする。

But of course, love isn't just sad and wistful—the feeling of longing those words invoke emerges because we want to be close to someone who, for the impossibility of physics and biology, could never be close enough. As Hedwig says, we can only try to shove ourselves back together.
