(which...can't seem to make up its mind about how it wants its name
written out...all caps? two words or three?)
exposure/contrast/shadows を無理してみるとこんな感じ。(ピント合ってないのは照明のセイじゃないっす······)

There's something strange that happens when you've listened to music by a band so many times, that it takes a while to get accustomed when they do something
different—it doesn't mean that what they're doing is bad or that what they used to do was better. It's just...it's like seeing an old friend that you haven't met up with in a while, and discovering that she's chopped off 35 cm of her hair. It's not good or bad, it's just...different. It's
that kind of a feeling.


Still, I did manage to get some writing done for a chapter, which was a good feeling. Knowing that it's going to go through many revisions, I feel it's forgivable to write things that many not make immediate logical sense. (Or, er...it's not a matter of immediacy, but anyway.) Aside from that, I heard Spanish for the first time in weeks, which was a pleasure. Being in Japan the last six months has meant being surrounded by Asian people, which often makes me feel uncomfortable. It must be my Western, liberal, anti-crowd mentality...
I suppose that's the difference between saying that something is good and saying that I like something. At the end of the day, I can't change how I feel about things that other people say are good—
The Shining, Jefferson Airplane,
The Call of the Wild. I just don't fucking like them. ::sigh:: That doesn't mean that others can't convince me of their stellar qualities, or that I can't leave alone people who
do like them. I'd just like people not to give me a hard time about not sharing their sentiments.
おっし、まだ2時だし、もうちょっと仕事できるわ。明日は日曜日!安息日やから、本読んで、発表の資料作って、先生の為に『スワロウテイル』の Blu-ray Disc 探しに行って······あ〜ぁ、先生に送る前に開けて見ちゃったら、怒られるやろか。ずっと見たかった映画なんやけど、自分で見れない内に人の手に渡してしまうのは、勿体ない······
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