
Happy New Year 2017! / あけおめでござる。

Happy new year!—to those of you whose new year begins on January 1. I hope everyone's coming year is full of all sorts of joy and happiness.


For year 2017 I've made all sorts of interesting resolutions. For the first time in, like, 20 years, I'm not resolving to stop swearing (or even swear less). I've found that I just can't fucking do it, and besides, swear words are mere social constructions...


In Japan we have what's called a hatsuyume—or, the first dream of the year. It's typically the dream we have on the night of the 1st or the 2nd. Our hatsuyume is supposed to be a form of fortune-telling—if it's a good dream we savor it, and if it's a bad dream we find ways to dispel the bad fortune. For me, my hatsuyume was born out of all the planning I'd done a few days prior to make sure I'd be able to achieve several different goals during the year 2017.


Like last year, one of my resolutions this year is to exercise—more than I did during 2016; I wasn't that bad last year, but I can certainly be more systematic and earnest about it—which means that I'd had my head full of different exercises for different muscles of the body in the days leading up to New Year's Day. Another resolution is to improve my teaching evaluations for Spring and Fall semesters of 2017. It's the stuff of tenure; it's the stuff of life.


So yes, appropriately in my hatsuyume, I had lots of stuff about exercising and teaching. None of it made sense, of course—it's a dream, after all. But after the bit about doing push-ups at the assembly, in my dream I was approached by a student who wanted to know about the weight of different exams and papers, and whether she could choose not to submit them. Although I now forget her reason for asking that, I do remember that I started giving her a very long talk about the value of education and what she wanted to get out of taking a class. In other words, it was a very teachable moment.


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