
こまねこ / Friendships

Getting on my 10 PM–5 AM sleep schedule isn't easy. As in, I can't do it. But I've only just started trying, and it's too soon to give up....

それより兎角、今日は『こまねこ』を見たぞ。ダーリンから DVD を借りたんだが、これがまた可愛い。表情といい、仕草といい。う〜む、こんなのが周りにいたら、たまらないだろうな。

Actually, Koma Neko may be a bit too mature and sad in its subtleties for me to show it to the Little One. So many things are left unanswered, which conflicts with the lightheartedness of the images. What's not said, what's not shown is what makes the stories both meaningful and troubling at the same time.

Regardless, today was a day of writing some syllabi, doing some laundry, ironing some handkerchiefs, and eating some pasta. Tomorrow will be...well, tomorrow will just have to be another day.


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