
wabi sabi

It's a leaf caught in mid-air.
It's a fragile piece of nature drifting between dark and light.
It's dead lightweight swept up against the wall.
It's loneliness and sadness in the shape of a bract.
It's a quiet moment of contemplation.
It's peace in the most unsettling way.
It's blocking my path back home.
It's an eeriness that invites wonder.
It's a reminder of things no longer here.
It's the reason for learning old and new things.
It's a dark and fuzzy photograph.
It's the third time that's the charm.
It's nowhere near where it started.

Actually, it's a piece of a bougainvillea plant that got caught in a spider web because I haven't been sweeping my front porch often enough.


Bottoms Up!

Last night my parents and I had some "Belgian Style Ale" to celebrate life and all its wonders (maybe). I shouldn't actually be drinking beer, but I gave myself a boozy break since I'm on medication this week. Whee!

I bought the ale for my parents in celebration of a certain special someone in our lives, even though she, too, can't drink booze (yet). But we'd been missing the occasion to open the fine bottle, so finally last night I put my foot down and demanded that we have some ale with leftover cheese. Yum.

The ale (I love saying the word) was sweet, with almost a pear flavor. (Turns out it was aged in a wine barrel with orange peels...close enough.) But it was light and refreshing and tasted almost like pear cider. Easy on the palate, I tell you. Next time I am back at St~Germain I shall procure me another bottle.

This week is full of celebrations, since I'm letting some chapter ideas simmer and also finishing up my panel proposal for a little people conference. I'll have to shoot myself if we don't get in, but at least I'll give it an honest go.




でも、 一番嬉しいのは、自分の研究について考える為のまとまった時間がある事。 そして、数日前父から借りた本を読んで、ますます考えるのが楽しくなりました。


夏休みも、ぼんやりしてたら終わってしまいます。しかも、12日間の間に、9冊程の本を読みたいと思うと、嬉しいんだか悲しいんだか、分からなくなってきます。 学生の人生とは、この様なものなのでしょうか?早く仕事したいな~って、時々思ってしまいます。