
Microwaveable (or Microwavable?) Fish

That's right. This morning I woke up and, like the true Japanese that I am, had microwaveable fish. You just take the plastic tray with the saran wrap and nuke it for two minutes. And there you have it, a nicely golden, fully-flavored fish. For convenience, you've really gotta hand it to them Japanese food scientists.

[Actually I'd meant to have it for dinner last night, but I forgot to defrost it. And it's got two servings! So I'm having some for lunch before my Chinese final (for which I should be studying).]

Last night and the night before I fell asleep on my couch and woke up in the middle of the night just to move to my bed. Man, this unproductivity business is blowing my mind...

[Photo: Is there fish in Lake Ontario?]

1 comment:

  1. I have always been suspicious of the fish from Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, the latter especially.
