
wisdom always.

It was love at first sight. I wasn't even looking to fall in love that day, really—it was just another thing to do, intellectual fodder for thought. Never did I expect to encounter someone who would change my life forever.

I'm talking about Kurt Vonnegut, of course—or more like his book, Slaughterhouse-Five. (I should really describe it as "love at first reading".) It was sophomore year in high school, and Mr. Hunter had assigned it for our class to read. And I read it, and I was hooked. Kurt Vonnegut, where had you been all my life?

But what I remember most from that first reading was the quote etched into the necklace of one of the characters. I was drawn to it because it contained the word "wisdom", which is what my name means. I didn't know it was the Serenity Prayer until a bit later. But when I read it, I felt like everything made sense.

Today I am repeating the full version in my heart, though with a few changes (forgive me Father, for I am not religious). The words are beautiful; I believe them.


  1. Vonnegut really is the best. There are few novelists I've read a lot of but he's definitely one of them, though I really love his collections of essays more than his novels, but that's cause I love essays or short stories more than novels in general.

    1. I am absolutely in love with _Welcome to the Monkey House_..."Harrison Bergeron" just about breaks my heart.
