
子供の頃の夢は / Childhood

The other day I took a walk to my old elementary school (the last one out of four that I attended). The evening sky was lovely, the breeze cool and refreshing...



人生計画 / Goals and Plans



In the last few weeks I managed to fit most of my belongings into two suitcases and two utility bags...and now that I'm back in the States, I'm ready to start making some plans.

One of the reasons why I like setting goals is that it helps me to organize the thoughts in my head and find the throughline that guides the story of my life. Once I've found it (and it changes frequently) I can make plans to help me achieve the goals that surround it.

And as silly as it may seem, I turn to the idea of SMART goals when I'm setting goals and making plans:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

I don't remember when I first heard that acronym, and I also realize that there are alternatives—but this is the set of words I use as my criteria. They force me to articulate what I want; keep me motivated; eliminate unnecessary stress; help me stay focused; and push me to actually get things done. I can break large projects into smaller steps, and I become better at assessing what my abilities are, what I can get done in what time frame. Knowing my limitations is as important as knowing my capabilities, I think.

As for now, the two main "goals" I have are 1) to defend my dissertation and 2) to find a job—but I also know that these two goals lead up to a larger, even more important goal and life plan that's waiting for me. There are other, related goals, of course—thinking about health and financial goals are always fun—which is why I think finding the throughline is so important for me. If I can see the big picture, then I won't crap out.

私が(ほぼ)毎日読むブログに、以前 TO DO リストの書き方に関する記事がありました。(あ、このブログ、真面目に言って、いつも読んでますよ。)ワタナベさんが書く様に、「優先順位」って重要だと思います。自分にとって、何が一番大切か。それは仕事だったり、家族だったり、自分の健康だったり。そしてその「人生の優先順位」が自分のゴールに反映されていれば、結構ゴールに辿り着くのは、早いかもしれません。だって、「自分との約束」だったら、破りたくないでしょ・・・
